The New Aquitaine and Normandy regions join Go4Cosmetics!

In 2021, Cosmetic Valley and its partners, at the forefront of which the Center – Val de Loire (France) and Lombardy (Italy) regions, created and structured a European interregional network dedicated to the perfumery-cosmetics industry: Go4Cosmetics , labeled “ S3 platform – Smart Specialization Strategy” by the European Commission.

The challenge is twofold:

  • Strengthen the competitiveness of the sector and boost innovation

  • Speak out and represent the European cosmetics industry to European institutions

In one year, the network has grown considerably: it already has nearly 10 regions in Europe that make cosmetics a priority to invest in training, innovation and industry around three major themes: environmental transition , the digital transition and information to citizens in the perfumery-cosmetics sector.

After welcoming the Normandy region at the end of 2022, the Nouvelle Aquitaine region is joining the Go4Cosmetics network!

Cosmetic Valley is delighted with the entry of the two regions into the European network, which participates in the promotion of regional cosmetic ecosystems (academic and industrial players and their expertise) and in the recognition of the cosmetics industry among European decision-makers.

The Go4Cosmetics network met in Barcelona on March 27 to discuss project opportunities and upcoming actions (launch of the European ACTT4Cosmetics project, organization of a conference in Brussels, etc.) that we will reveal to you as water in the coming weeks.

