By featuring "beating heart of the world cosmetics industry" as its new signature, Cosmetic Valley recalls the strength and industrial leadership of France in the field of fragrances and cosmetics. This new and very ambitious headline is now an integral part of the Cosmetic Valley brand block.
The promotion of the sector as an industry was far from obvious a few years ago. Now better assumed by the profession, this status allows to clearly position Cosmetic Valley as the support of the cosmetic industry. A statement based on reality, on figures, on a status and actions that have expanded over the past 30 years.
Cosmetic Valley is in fact both the competitiveness cluster and the national coordinator of the cosmetics industry, ensuring a strong voice for the whole French industry, and by extension, a mission to represent France, reference territory of cosmetics. The Cosmetic Valley model has also inspired most international clusters. The term "beating heart of the world cosmetics industry" therefore resonates today as a lasting truth: Cosmetic Valley, a unique organization in the world, is today the leader of the international metacluster dedicated to cosmetics (Global Cosmetics Cluster).
Our missions
Cosmetic Valley is the benchmark French cosmetic perfumery hub in Europe and around the world. It brings together all the know-how of the sector, from the cultivation of plants to the finished products.
Goals :
Help companies in their development to create and consolidate employment in France
Strengthen the attractiveness of Made in France: know-how, safety, performance and durability
5 missions to achieve these objectives :
Industrial competitiveness
Research and innovation
Skills development
The conquest of international markets
The collective dynamics of the sector