Start-ups, VSEs, SMEs, ETIs… Cosmetic Valley supports French companies in their international development, an essential action for the French trade balance and, more broadly, for the country's prosperity.
The Cosmetic Valley France brand embodies both French know-how, the strength of the national sector and the values of the products and services offered. This industry brand federates and strengthens the visibility of companies on market places. More generally, it makes it possible to increase the attractiveness of the country through the influence of this industrial flagship.
To facilitate companies' access to international markets, Cosmetic Valley coordinates the global network it created in 2016: Global Cosmetics Cluster.
This solid and influential network has a triple vocation:
Via its European branch Global Cosmetics Cluster – Europe, French SMEs benefit from a “Go International” acceleration program (market watch, benchmarking and BtoB missions, etc.) to countries
with high potential: South Korea, United Arab Emirates, India Mexico
and United States...
To facilitate companies' access to international markets, Cosmetic Valley coordinates the global network it created in 2016: Global Cosmetics Cluster.
This solid and influential network has a triple vocation:
Via its European branch Global Cosmetics Cluster – Europe, French SMEs benefit from a “Go International” acceleration program (market watch, benchmarking and BtoB missions, etc.) to countries
with high potential: South Korea, United Arab Emirates, India Mexico
and United States...
To facilitate companies' access to international markets, Cosmetic Valley coordinates the global network it created in 2016: Global Cosmetics Cluster.
This solid and influential network has a triple vocation:
Via its European branch Global Cosmetics Cluster – Europe, French SMEs benefit from a “Go International” acceleration program (market watch, benchmarking and BtoB missions, etc.) to countries
with high potential: South Korea, United Arab Emirates, India Mexico
and United States...