International Congress on the occasion of URCOM’s 25th anniversary

On the occasion of its 25th anniversary, the URCOM Laboratory (Le Havre Normandy University) invites you to its international conference for which COSMETIC VALLEY is a partner.

Through conferences given by international and national guests, the scientific program of this event will cover the strong themes of URCOM:

  • eco-compatible organic synthesis and valorization of bio-resources;
  • the plural characterization of cosmetic products, from the ingredient to the interaction with the skin;
  • sensory evaluation and analysis of odors, food aromas and perfumes.

Between the success stories including industrial and academic, the opening of the backstage of the URCOM LABORATORY and the workshops, COSMETIC VALLEY will also have the pleasure of organizing a Cosmetic' Research Tour on May 30 during this international conference in Le Havre.

A call for papers is open : we warmly invite you to submit your contributions and share your expertise within this dynamic community by following this link .

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